"The University of Zurich’s Rassim Khelifa, who has studied dragonflies for the past decade, told New Scientist that he was collecting moorland hawker dragonfly larva in the Swiss Alps when he first saw the phenomenon. A male was pursuing a female, at which point she dove to the ground and lay motionless on her back until the male left.
He’d never seen this behavior before, he told New Scientist. But it turns out it wasn’t an isolated incident.
Khelifa’s study on the behavior, titled “Faking death to avoid male coercion” extreme sexual conflict resolution in a dragonfly,” was published in the science journal Ecology this week. He observed 27 out of 31 female dragonflies attempting to avoid males in this way, and in most cases playing dead appeared to be successful."
Why didn't we women think of this???
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