Thursday, March 9, 2017

Korleon KOJ - "RIP To My Competition"

Atlanta based and Jackson, Mississippi bred rapper Korleon KOJ returns as he delivers his newest visual for his single "RIP To My Competition." It's a message to anyone he considers competition and you can hear he's taking shots at anyone that prefers to thug it out on social mediaKorleon is 100% authentic and he refuses to be a rapper that hides behind the computer or phone on social media.

"The song is really a letter to my competition, it's like a warning that I'm about to be dismantling anything that you can even compare me to.  I feel like I'm competing with people in that upper echelon of the industry attending the Grammy's - not your local neighborhood rapper just getting started," Korleon explained.

Achieving posts on DirtyGloveBastard, ItsBizkit, Boi-1da, TrapsNTrunks, ThatFixx, YHTN and many more Korloen KOJ has built a buzz well beyond his widespread reputation in Jackson.

"This is just a little viral video in the mean time to keep the fans happy while we prep for the release of C.U.B. and we begin to organize the visuals and single releases," Korleon explained.   "We are going to combine the foundation with what we got and find ways to consistently monetize our content via shows or digitally. It's a means to the end to give people the music on the right platform. We're going to take it out of the hands of the politics and put it in the hands of the people. We gonna break the code and make everything make sense."

For more information on Korleon check him out on his IG: @korleon_koj

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