If music production is such a serious and challenging craft to pursue, why should music producers spend years learning critical lessons the hard way? That question inspired the development of Don’t Make Beats Like Me. Music industry veteran Chris Rucks formed each chapter from a critical mistake he made in his career as an aspiring producer, mistakes that through his work he discovered other music producers were repeating in droves, ensuring they would find failure too.
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There are endless music production tips. They address recording techniques, equipment, sampling, but never has anyone addressed the most important piece of equipment: the producer himself. Chris learned that it doesn’t matter how up to par sounds and samples are if the producer is not. Chris uses the book to talk one-on-one about the things that really hurt the quality of the music and influence chances of success: discipline, self sabotage, an inability to handle criticism, fear of failure, poor time management, etc. By combining his own knowledge with insight gleaned from interviews with several platinum/Grammy-winning producers, Chris delivers a 360-degree view of the do’s and dont's of producing music.
Music producers today have access to the same equipment and people. The only place left for a producer to create an advantage is in their daily thinking and subsequent habits and actions. 'Don’t Make Beats Like Me' was designed to create that very advantage and ensure that producers are preparing themselves on the inside so they can meet the demands of success on the outside.
During his senior year of college in 2004, Christopher Rucks was completely overtaken by the compulsion to make beats. After graduating with a B.A. in English, Chris spent several years hammering away at the craft of music production, beginning his journey with Acid Pro and an MPC1000 before moving on to Logic Pro and eventually Reason.
Chris began jotting the notes that would go on to form the chapters of 'Don’t Make Beats Like Me'. After getting a taste of the potential for producers in music licensing, Chris stepped fully into the music licensing industry, beginning as an A&R with a music agency and sync licensing company, Music Dealers. His role put him once again in connection with hundreds of producers and music creators at once, as Music Dealers had a vast catalog of artists to which the A&R team served as point. During the day, Chris worked with a global roster of artists and producers; during the evening, he hammered away at his manuscript the same way he once hammered away at beats.
Read sample chapters of 'Don't Make Beats Like Me' here.
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